In 2019, researchers uncovered the fossils of a giant lion, which they named Simbakubwa kutokaafrika. It lived in what is modern-day Kenya around 23,000,000 BC. Its extinction probably not attributed to humans, we can only assume.
However, the recent loss of three Rothschild’s giraffes, one of the rare subspecies of giraffe, through electrocution by low-hanging power lines within a conservation area, shows how human activities contribute to wildlife deaths.
Unfortunately, endangered animals species nearing extinction feature heavily in the latest statistics.
The Rothschild’s giraffe was classified as endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species in 2010. Kenya’s has a population of only 609 Rothschild’s giraffes.

21 May marks Endangered Species Day as a reminder that some of our favorite wildlife species are at risk of going extinct. Annually celebrated, this is a global event that is aimed at the protection of the endangered species of our planet, this year’s theme being Wildlife Without Borders.
Cross-border wildlife trade specifically targeting endangered animals is a billion-dollar industry of traffickers driving the extinction of key species necessary in balancing the planet’s diverse ecosystems, highlighting the importance of the day.

Bio diverse wildlife species underpin the life-support system of our planet.
Different animals within our ecosystems deliver important ecological services such as food production, carbon storage, climate regulation and recreation opportunities, specifically travel and tourism.
Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic may have slowed down the hidden and generally illegal supply chains that destroy wild populations, including those that fuel the wildlife trade.

But despite this, the restrictions might have also reduced the work of conservation and awareness for the need to care for wildlife and their habitats.
It’s assumed that one of the major and predominately positive benefit of the pandemic for wildlife is less human travel, and therefore less trade in the illegal trade.
In reality though, there’s cause for concern in the sudden increase in illegal wildlife killings across the world— in particular, that of endangered animals.
This could partly be attributed to lack of understanding of the intricate interdependence of biological diversity and the need for the conservation of threatened species across borders.
Wildlife is a key driver of tourism activity and job creation, particularly in Kenya and East Africa and protecting endangered species is vital for the sustainable future of the travel industry and those whose livelihoods depend on it.
The linkages between nature and travel are all too apparent for all of us in the industry to play a role. So as we celebrate this important day in our calendars, let’s also join hands in fighting climate change.
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