Baptism by Lion: A Young Tourist’s Unforgettable Encounter!!
Image | Ernest Nyamasyo They say a safari isn't complete without a brush with danger. Now, I've dodged mock elephant charges and stared down grumpy rhinos, but never in my years guiding have I witnessed such a raw exchange as the one between Olga, a wide-eyed eighteen-year-old on her first safari, and a magnificent male lion.We were cruising the savanna on a routine game drive when we encountered a pride of lions lazing in the tall grass. As is typical, one particular male, decided to grace us with his presence. He rose and ambled purposefully towards our vehicle. Now, lions often use game tracks as paths, and this fellow's chosen route just happened to bisect ours. He wasn't charging, just exercising his right of way. Still, Olga, perched alone in…