Giraffe Centre

The Giraffe Centre was founded in 1979 by the late Jock Leslie –Melville, a Kenyan of British descent, after his wife Betty discovered the sad plight of the Rothschild giraffe – there were only 120 left on a ranch in Western Kenya that was destined for sub-division and resettlement. Their first effort to save this sub-species was to bring two young giraffes to their property in Lang’ata. Then Betty founded the African Fund for Endangered Wildlife (A.F.E.W), whose purpose, through the Giraffe Centre, is to educate Kenyan school children about their country’s wildlife and environment, and to give visitors both local and international a chance to come into close contact with a wild animal by feeding the world’s tallest species. Visitors can also take a guided walk through the Sanctuary Nature Trail and learn more about other wildlife that share the giraffe’s habitat. The visit can be combined with a look at the Giraffe Manor, famous for giraffes having breakfast with guests!