
As vibrant and often colorful creatures, birds have captured the attention of humankind for thousands of years, and in many cultures, they feature in mythology, religion, and have inspired art, poetry, fashion, and music. Kenya offers an excellent birding phenomenon, with over 1090 bird species distributed in over 60 birding hotspots (including IBAs – Important Bird Areas). Specialist groups regularly come to Kenya and see up to 700 species in 21/22 days. There are 60 Important Bird Areas in Kenya, documented using globally and nationally accepted criteria. They cover all the habitat types in Kenya: 22 forests, 18 wetlands, 12 semi-arid and arid areas, 6 moist grasslands, and 2 with cross-sections of habitat types. Sites that are designated as IBAs if they hold globally threatened species, restricted range species, biome-restricted species, and congregations of significant numbers of terrestrial, sea, and water birds. Many species are adaptable and live in close proximity to humans, but most are dependent upon specific ecological requirements especially wetlands, a vital habitat especially for migratory birds, an amazing phenomenon. Join us in promoting Kenya birding and raising awareness on the need to conserve birding sites. Our qualified guides can identify birdcalls, referring them with ease in their role as indicators of a healthy environment.