Today marks World Wildlife Day, and as the global economy slowly opens up following the unveiling of various COVID-19 vaccines, the travel industry is also preparing for a revamp in increased bookings and arrivals. The worldwide lockdowns put in place to curb the spread of the corona virus have led to a massive demand for the outdoors and the need for newer and richer travel experiences.

Despite the fact that global travel has dwindled by about 97% as compared to the previous years, the numbers of endangered wildlife remains high. Majority of species are threatened with habitat destruction, and with the rising demand for wildlife products, they are also faced with massive poaching and trafficking.
The link between the current COVID-19 crisis and the illegal exploitation of wildlife is in the spotlight since it was suggested that wet markets could have facilitated the transfer of the corona virus to humans.
But how does your travel help in the fight against the wildlife trade?

Travel agencies are right at the heart of the fight against illegal animal trafficking by encouraging you to book responsible wildlife-based safari packages. We raise awareness among out clients about the illegal wildlife trade and how they can assist in the fight, including by not buying illegal or unsustainably sourced wildlife products; engaging our staff on issues touching on the trade and most importantly encouraging them be the eyes and ears for nature and empowering them to always report any illegal activities to the authorities.

The illegal wildlife trade is one of the world’s largest criminal activities, generating billions in revenue annually. The overall effect of degrading wildlife habitats and the illegal wildlife trade is the foremost threat to the lives and livelihoods of people who depend on them, especially in the sustainable tours and travel industry. The travel and tourism sector has a vital role to play not only in stemming demand through client awareness, but also by providing sustainable livelihoods for communities on the ground where the vice takes place.

Wildlife is a key driver of tourism activity and job creation, particularly in Kenya and East Africa and protecting endangered species is vital for the sustainable future of the travel industry and those whose livelihoods depend on it.
The linkages between nature and travel are all too apparent for all of us in the industry to play a role. So as we celebrate this important day in our calendars, let’s also join hands in fighting for wildlife.
Our passion for nature and travel is reflected in our understanding of the need to experience the natural environment in a sustainable and unique way.
Our commitment to you is “The Perfect Balance between Nature & Discovery, Adventure & Luxury”…